London born Joe Murtagh started drawing at a very young age. Inspired by Looney Tune cartoons, Joe used to draw the characters to impress his Dad. Delighted with his family’s response he continued to draw everything he saw and from then on knew he wanted to be an artist.
Joe specialised in sculpture on his Fine Arts degree at Sunderland University and after graduating he made sculpture commissions before moving into teaching to all ages in schools and college.
He attended a multimedia technology course at Liverpool University and enjoyed learning new skills, making 3d animations, short films, web-sites and learning how to use Adobe photo-shop & Illustrator.
Having worked as a web designer, fashion photographer retoucher and graphic designer, Joe is now back to his first love,. making art. Joe still draws what he sees around him but through a different filter.
He is influenced by the music, fashion, art and film world from the likes of Gustav Klimt, Peter Blake, Andy Warhol, Nick Knight, Jamie Hewlett, Alexander Mcqueen and Vogue Magazine!
“I am interested in the surface of things but also whats going on underneath. Modern life and the power and allure of the media influence my artwork. I also very much relate to the Buddhist way of explaining that without accepting Death, you can’t really appreciate Life.”