robert-coxRobert Cox was born and raised on a farm close to where he now lives in the north west of England.
Art was no’t an option when he was younger, so he qualified and worked as a technical engineer for many years before developing his interest and passion for painting.
Self-taught, he is always exploring new ideas and themes, and this is reflected in the eclectic style and range of works which he produces.

He is passionate about painting and virtually every waking hour he is either in his studio or thinking of new ideas. Often working from early morning to late evening. Each painting is like a journey which unfolds from the initial creative spark through to completion.

His work is usually in oils or acrylic on canvas and he often introduces other mediums to achieve a desired effect. His engineering knowledge is useful in the technical understanding of the mediums which allows him to achieve some unique results.

Works are held in private collections in the UK, Europe,USA, Canada, Australia and Dubai