carla raads - original paintings

Based in the beautiful coastal town of Lytham St Anne’s, Carla Raads is an abstract sea and landscape artist that paints exclusively with her hands.

At 16 she would leave South Africa in search of a new life in the UK. Always drawn to the sea, she and her family settled on the Fylde coast. “I was grateful to live near the sea, the familiarity of the beach made it feel more like home”.

Carla went on to study fine art at Blackpool college, learning about life drawing, paint and sculpture before studying design and interiors at Manchester metropolitan university. Durning that time she would work under the mentorship of the late Phillippe Aird at the Pheonix galleries in Hulme. Her mentor, an abstract artist known for his resin pouring work, was mentored by LS Lowry and he drew inspiration from his work. Phil, as she called him, taught the 19 year old Carla about canvas building, large scale abstracts and paint techniques. “He was so free with his painting. He would let the work come alive by allowing the paint to move organically. The best thing he ever taught me”.

See the Art of Carla Raads

carla raads - original paintings