Winston Churchill’s famous line is the title of this tribute painting to him by well known artist, Paul Oz.
See the Art of Paul Oz
Paul Oz has been commissioned by Instituto Ayrton Senna, The RPA, Team Sky, Jenson Button, Max Chilton, Sir Alex Ferguson, Theo Paphitis, James Hunts family, Sir Bradley Wiggins, Red Bull, Pirelli, Jake Humphrey, Wretch32 and JLS’s Aston among others…. and partnered with galleries, charitable organisations, leading rights holders and motorsport teams worldwide. He is the official licensed artist to James Hunt, Bruce Lee, Star Trek, Denis the Menace, Ali, Mr Men and Little Miss, Thunderbirds – and others who cannot be named !
About 10 years ago when browsing galleries for something bright to adorn the walls of a plain white new build flat and saying ‘I could do that….’ has turned out to be a seminal Oz moment. The ensuing experiments with a 4 pack of acrylics, and quickly rediscovered skill of making a subjectively attractive looking mess, has for sure been a turning point. Painting at weekends as a break from software brand development, my first solo show was in 2008, and I thought I was balancing things pretty well. However…. since focusing on painting full time early 2009, its all gone a little nuts….
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